Family And Authority In Antigone

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Antigone was written during the classical period of Greece, and during the classical period, Greece was transitioning, there was only two things that really seemed to be important to the Greeks, and that was family and power. During the play, the relationships between the characters and what they believed in, revealed what Sophocles believed in and that family and authority. Sophocles seemed to believe that family is more important than authority but he also thinks that both played an important role in the tragedy, because both led to consequences. The first scene in the Antigone starts with both Ismene and Antigone arguing over what should be done for their brother Polynices burial arrangement. Creon banned Antigone and her sister from having …show more content…

Antigone’s refusal to follow the authority of King Creon could land her in trouble but instead she confesses to Creon and claims that she did not break the law in anyway but simply did her part as sister honoring her brother by performing his burial respectfully. Antigone confessed to Creon about performing the burial of her brother which led Creon to feel betrayed by both Antigone and her brother. Antigone defended herself saying that, “It was not God’s proclamation. That final Justice. That rules the world below makes no such law”, but Creon believes that she must be punished and that she deserves to face the consequences of breaking the law, Creon felt that she deserve to be given the death penalty. But Antigone felt that only the divine laws can judge her based on her act and not those who enforced authority like Creon. On the opposite side King Creon believes that his command should not be broken anyone. “If I permit my own family to rebel, how shall I earn the world’s obedience?” Creon believes that in order for him to be respected around the world, he needs to punish Antigone but his son Haimon refused to agree with his father. Haimon relationship with his father changes because he disagrees with Creon and sides with Antigone. Haimon claims that “No woman deserves to die such a shameful death for performing such a generous act”. Haimon wishes for his father to think about his decision about sentencing Antigone to death. According to Haimon his father is unchangeable and because of this it seems that King Creon credibility is diminishing amongst the citizens and audience because even his son is against his decision. Creon’s relationship with his son is broken because of this act to punish Antigone, Haimon threatens to leave and never come back. While the authority of King Creon is still playing a big role in the life of

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