Fallen Cloud Creative Writing

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The Fallen Cloud It happened again. The Cloud descended from the sky. Its large and luminescent shape sat at the end of my street. This year, it chose to visit Mr. Eaton’s house. The retired cop sits on his porch, reading a novel and is completely oblivious to the ethereal visitor in his driveway. Only his old weathered beagle barks fiercely at the anomaly. It runs back and forth, with frantic gestures. Nobody else seems to mind the strange entity. My hand reaches for the wet newspaper at the end of my driveway. Its moisture seeps into my skin. It has always rained before the Cloud appears. Not the typical light showers of summer, but the dreaded humid rainstorm. Only a few houses away, the purple haze beckons me to come. Its reflection shines in the puddles of Mr. Eaton’s driveway. …show more content…

The Cloud comes to our street every year but I have never mustered the courage to enter its hazy mist. Last summer, it landed on Mrs. Harris’ prized flower patch. I wouldn’t dare crush those precious flowers in an attempt to reach the Cloud. Two years ago, it situated itself between two pine trees across the street behind the Gergins' household. The first year it came, it sat peacefully in my own backyard. I lounged on the back porch with Aunt Maria, both of us eating bowls of mint flavored ice cream and studying it. That was when Aunt Maria told me to never touch the Cloud. Since then, I have learned only that Aunt Maria and I can see the Cloud. With her frizzled grey hair and a serious caffeine addiction, I have lived with her in this large empty house for the last seven years. Her face wrinkles in a certain way when she wants to intimidate me, but I know she cares for my well being. After my parents mysteriously disappeared from their business trip all those years ago, Aunt Maria moved in permanently to live with me. She did her best to console my grief, but only time can allow for such scars to

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