Fairies of the Heart are All Around Us

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Love is always around us. In a cold world there are fairies that represent our hearts and the love we feel. These fairies are seen by the young and the loved.

There once was a young girl, born with three just like everyone else who's blue fairy, love of herself, which was always small. The blue fairy always followed her floating around trying to push her towards happiness but never seemed to gain the strength to help the girl progress.

The young girl, once she grew up a bit had a second fairy born, a red one, the love of friends. This fairy was the girls largest fairy. This fairy floated above all the other's and always shined brightest and pushed her hardest.

Then when the young girl had become a young woman she gained a third fairy. This fairy was a light yellow, almost white, color, that appeared when she first started to fall in love. This fairy shined when she felt her fairy connect with that of her lovers.

One day the young woman and her lover were talking. Her white fairy was dimming and she didn't know why. Her blue fairy flew around quickly as if frantic. When their conv...

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