Failure Research Paper

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Failure is something that everyone has to encounter at least one time in their life because nobody’s perfect. Many people think failure is this terrible thing and that nothing ever good comes out of it. But I am here to tell you that something good can come out of failure if you take it and make it into something great. I grew up playing baseball all my life. I loved the game and I loved stepping out on the field almost everyday during the season playing. Once you get to middle school and want to start playing more competitively, you have the option to tryout for the school team. I decided I was going to try out and everything went well. I tried out my sixth and seventh grade year, made the team both years and started. I felt so accomplished …show more content…

My final year of middle school I did not make the team and was devastated. Walking into school with all my baseball gear getting ready to play and looking up at the list of who made the final cut and seeing my name not on the list was heartbreaking. It was so embarrassing because I had to walk around school with my baseball bag and having to say “nah I didn't make the team” to all my friends that were also tried out. I felt like this was the end because I loved baseball and not making the team made me feel like I wasn't good enough to play and I thought to myself I should just give up and quit. I was so stressed out by the whole situation I even got shingles all over my body. I thought I was going to be the laughing stock of all my friends because I was the only one that did not make the team. I had just failed for the first time in my life when I worked so hard for …show more content…

That following year, leading up into the high school tryouts, I trained my butt off working harder than I ever have before. I went to hitting lessons, went to the field with my dad, and even set up a hitting station in my garage practicing every day trying to improve my game. Then freshman year tryouts came and I was as ready as I ever was. I had an amazing tryout and even some of the kids said “Wow you've really changed a lot since last year!” I was super excited because I was playing so well and when it came down to it the coach pulled me in and said “you really showed me that you can perform during this tryout, congratulations on making the team. See you tomorrow for the first practice” My heart exploded from my chest and I was super excited to be back playing the game that I love with all my

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