Fahrenheit 451 Plot Twist Essay

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A colossal plot twist occurred in Fahrenheit 451 when Montag departed on a mission to burn some books, but arrived at his own house, unexpectedly. To explain it straightforwardly, a plot twist is an unanticipated development in the story, often used to excite drama and to hook the reader. As the climax approached, Bradbury hit the audience with the initial twist soon after Montag returned to work-- “‘Why,’ said Montag slowly, ‘we’ve stopped in front of my house.’” (Bradbury 106) It had appeared that Montag had just set on a normal expedition, doing his job that he had obviously dreaded since the incident with the woman back in “The Hearth and the Salamander’. Instead, Beatty pulled up to Montag’s residence, even though Montag thought he was sure that no one had told the fire department about his books. …show more content…

Soon after this, Mildred fled the sight, as if she expected the event. Then, Beatty approached Montag once more and declared that he wanted Montag to “‘...do this job all by [his] lonesome... Not with kerosene and a match, but piecework, with a flame thrower. Your house, your clean-up.’” (Bradbury 109) The situation was set up to look as though the fire brigade was there to burn it down for him, in front of Montag as he was forced to watch, but the situation flipped as it is learned that Montag had to do the deed himself. Beatty wanted Montag to do the damage, to pay for the offense he committed by burning the house down himself while the surrounding audience watched. Whatever trauma occurred, he had to bear it himself. It was also learned that Beatty wanted to provide Montag with the flamethrower so that he could kill him, another plot twist all in

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