Fahrenheit 451 Persuasive Essay

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We live in a time of laziness and choosing an uneducated TV show over a book containing precious knowledge. In Ray Bradbury's book Fahrenheit 451, we witness a world where books are banned and people are encouraged to sit all day and watch television. The smart ones that read books live in a life of fear since firemen in this world are commanded to burn the houses of anyone that owns a book. Our society isn't at that point yet but a large group of our society are showing strong similarities toward the people in Fahrenheit 451 that sat around all day. This is also encouraged by everyone wanting to be “In the know” so they decide to watch TV all day. The book Fahrenheit 451 is a warning to our society that if we do not stay educated we will ultimately …show more content…

“‘But who has ever torn himself from the claw that encloses you when you drop a seed in a TV parlor? It grows you any shape it wishes!’” (Bradbury 84) This quote from the book represents how much people are sucked into TV, you say to yourself “Ten more minutes” and then that ten minutes turns into twenty then thirty and it keeps escalating. “‘ It’s really fun. It’ll be even more fun when we can afford to have the fourth wall installed. How long you figure before we save up and get the fourth wall torn out and a wall-Tv put in. It’s only two thousand dollars’” (Bradbury 20). This shows the extent these people went to to watch TV. It represents how much we spend our money on useless things that we practically own already. “‘Will you turn the parlour off?’ He asked. ‘That’s my family.’” (Bradbury 48) This shows how invested these people would get into their television shows. This is very similar to use and our TV shows, seeing as many of us get very invested in our TV shows.

The book Fahrenheit 451 is a warning to our society that if we do not stay educated we will ultimately fail as a society. In order to change our society we must teach ongoing generations about the importance of knowledge. Show them that sitting down all day on the couch all day is benefiting anyone. Show them the world that is around us and the beauty stored inside of books. If we can do this we may stop this trend of people getting dumber and dumber. If we can not, then we might face the same fate of those in the

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