Fahrenheit 451 Paradoxes Analysis

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Like those in Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, people today are too busy watching life and not living or enjoying its moments. The characters in his book stand by and focus on the parlor walls rather than each other. Bradbury uses paradoxes to show that people should educate themselves, slow down, and most importantly, pay attention to life. Throughout Bradburyś book, he uses paradoxes to explain his thinking and opinions of life and society. One of these paradoxes is the meaning of books and education and how they are important to a manś life. In this story Montag goes to Faberś house to ask him to help him understand why books are so important to life that an old woman would burn herself instead of live without books. Faberś response to Montag that helps Montag understand the truth is, ¨And what does the word 'quality' mean? To me it means texture: this book has pores. It has features... See why books are hated and …show more content…

He proves his point by using Montag to help him say what is on his mind; “Nobody listens anymore. I can't talk to the walls because they're yelling at me, I can't talk to my wife; she listens to the walls. I just want someone to hear what I have to say. And maybe if I talk long enough it'll make sense. And I want you to teach me to understand what I read” (Bradbury 78). This paradox Bradbury created is acknowledging that our world is being run by technology. He realizes that people are paying more attention to the television then to each other. You can almost hear Bradbury exhorting and pleading to everyone to stop looking at the parlor walls and technology and start listening to what he is trying to say about everything. This is also similar to today because with the new technology and new phones we have, we aren't communicating or paying attention to anyone in real

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