Fahrenheit 451 Book Report

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Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, describes the life of Montag in a society where speaking to people is rare and books are banned. Montag’s life is ordinary, he goes to work as a fireman, comes home to his depressed wife, and then repeats it all over again the next day. This dystopia is based in the future and portrays what Ray Bradbury believes the future will be like, full of antisocial people that are restricted from reading and learning. Ray Bradbury was accurate in depicting that the future is full of ignorant, antisocial, and easily manipulated people.
The book depicts Mildred as a very ignorant person. She forgets important details and ignores the world around her. “I meant to tell you. Forgot. Forgot...Whole family moved out somewhere. But she’s gone for good. I think she’s dead.” (p.g.44) . In this quote Mildred told Montag, Clarisse, a girl who changed his perspective on the …show more content…

The screens tell them what they need to know and don’t allow any questions to be asked. Our world keeps relying solely on technology if we lost it, we would be lost. They are taught short responses to minimize conversation and children that talk too much are kicked out of school, like Clarisse. After school they go home and watch tv. “My ‘family’ is people. They tell me things; I laugh, they laugh! And the colors!” (p.g. 69). People don’t hang out with friends instead they relate to the characters on tv. We don’t talk to people instead we text or post on social media. Just like Mildred refers to her shows as ‘her family’, we refer to the people we talk to on social media as friends, but we undoubtedly miss the whole idea of friends.. She relies on the shows and doesn’t rely on the actual interactions of people. Others, instead of going home and watching tv, will go to parks to destroy things. Socialization is unheard of and kids don’t have any friends. They are too entertained by the technology around

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