Facial Recognition Essay

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Facial recognition is a process that allows human beings to identify other human beings simply from the structure of their faces, and their facial features (Nugent, 2017). However facial recognition is not the only form of recognition humans can use; object recognition although very different from facial recognition allows for human beings to identify an object from a photograph, or the object being described to them, they are aware of the pattern and structure of the object.

Facial recognition isn’t simply just recognizing a face and knowing who that person is. We perceive faces as whole not as a collection of different features. It can be done in three steps; 1. presence of the face is noticed, 2. The face is then measured to find distinguishing …show more content…

This suggests that, perception is simply not just built up from sensation, but it ultimately is a result of organisation. According to the Gestalt (German word meaning pattern) One of the Gestalt principles of grouping is similarity where human beings tend to group a series of things together depending on the similarity between the items (Gestalt,2017). For example; perceiving rows of dots that are two different colours human beings would group together the dots together, because they are the same shapes, however they would also group them separating the two different colours. (Heffner,2017) also prognanz suggests that every stimulus pattern is seen in such a way that the end structure turns out to be as simple as possible. Recognition by components theory introduced by Biderman proposes the idea that objects can be identified through from their ‘geons’ (their geometrical form). A series of different shapes fall under the category of being a ‘geon’; cylinders, blocks, spheres. An object should be defined firstly through its surface, colour and texture, then how the geons should be determined. (Bartosik,2002). Ungerleifer and Mishkin presented monkeys with a task of object discrimination, showing them one object to see if they could target the object or not, if they got the right object they received food as a reward for this, however it proved that the pathway through the temporal lobe is responsible for object recognition (Goldstein,

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