Facial Laceration Essay

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A facial laceration is a cut on the face. The injuries can be painful and can cause bleeding. Lacerations usually heal quickly, but they need special care to reduce scarring.
What are the causes?
What are the signs or symptoms?
How is this diagnosed?
This condition is diagnosed by:
Medical history. Your health care provider will ask for details about how the injury occurred.
Physical exam. Your health care provider will examine the wound to determine how deep the cut is.
How is this treated?
Treatment for this condition depends on the severity of the cut, including the risk of infection and how deep the wound is.
The wound will be cleaned to prevent infection.
Your health care provider will decide whether to close the wound. Whether …show more content…

If needed, you may also be given a tetanus shot.
Follow these instructions at home:
Take over-the-counter and prescription medicines only as told by your health care provider.
Follow your health care provider’s instructions for wound care. These instructions will vary depending on the technique used for closing the wound.
For sutures:
Keep the wound clean and dry.
If you were given a bandage (dressing), you should change it at least once a day. Also change the dressing if it becomes wet or dirty, or as directed by your health care provider.
Wash the wound with soap and water 2 times a day. Rinse the wound off with water to remove all soap. Pat the wound dry with a clean towel.
After cleaning, apply a thin layer of the antibiotic ointment recommended by your health care provider. This will help prevent infection and keep the dressing from sticking.
You may shower as usual after the first 24 hours. Do not soak the wound in water until the sutures are removed.
Get your sutures removed as directed by your health care provider. With facial lacerations, sutures should be taken out after 4–5 days to avoid stitch marks.
Wait a few days after your sutures are removed before applying any makeup.
For skin adhesive

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