Facebook And Facebook: The Disadvantages And Disadvantages Of Facebook

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In today’s society, billions of people across the planet are accessing the internet numerous times a day. Why wouldn’t they? Many people have the internet on their personal mobile phones, and at the touch of a button can check their email, their Facebook, their bank statements and more. Yes, your right: Facebook. Any social networking site or application, either, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat or something similar, it seems to easily swallow up hours of a person’s day. Nowadays, teenagers are accessing these sites during school, and as soon as they get home, after school. Some Adults (like the teenagers parents) are accessing these sites while at work and those who are married or have children are often choosing to spend time checking their “walls” or profiles rather than spending time with the ones they really care about. There is no doubt that there are certain social advantages to these sites; many people say we need them to keep in touch with friends (close and distant), while others say that it is for the main purpose of helping their businesses’ develop. However these, so called, advantages, do not outweigh the complications they cause. Realise now that social networking is jeopardising your child from moving forward.
What are the main problems with Facebook?
In life you realise that there are many people who try to make your life not worth living and are usually addressed as bullies. Well, know now that this is a hundred per-cent worse online. Know that Cyber-bullying cause people to commit suicide. Know that Cyber-bullying ruins your child; physically and mentally.
Most of you, as parents of young children and teenagers, have noticed that using social networking sites has a negative academic effect making them perf...

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...e include drug abusers and paedophiles. Over 19,000 child abusers and killers are profiled on Facebook and twitter. The worst thing about this is that everybody can access the site and so it is even more hazardous.
To prevent this you have enforce the teaching of safety to your child. Talk to them; Get in their lives, anything to prevent further concern. Realise that your child’s pain is your pain.
Facebook is fine it only builds my child’s confidence and self-esteem.
Yes your right: a Facebook page gives a child their own “home page” on the web, where they can express themselves and talk about their interests. They can join groups and support fan pages, and find out what other people are interested in. Social networking like Facebook allows the younger generation to express themselves freely. With this expression they are a sea of dangers your child can drown in.

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