F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Egoist

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The Egoist tells the story of Sir Willoughby Patterne a wealthy and handsome man, who has brought the attention of Laetitia, a tenant of her dads farm, however unbeknownst her he isn't what he seems to be. Following that, the love that she had for him blinded her because she lived with the hope that she would one day be with him and yet the community knew how egocentric he seemed to be. The story starts with Sir Willoughby's first ever marriage proposal with Miss Constantia but due to Sir Willoughby's controlling behavior, Constantine decides to run away in search for her happiness which was to marry Captain Oxford and not to be married to a controlling person. After this, he decides to be with Laetitia because she was able to boost his ego …show more content…

For this reason she decides to escape but then meets up with the best man the colonel who almost runs her over with his carriage. They hit it off really easily and he starts walking her over to the Patterne. Due to this, Sir Willoughby makes it even harder for Clara to run away again by convincing her dad about the marriage, nevertheless she still does and the guards of the house go on their way to find her. Regardless, Whitford is the first one to find her and doesn't force her to come back though he advices her to finally make a last plan and decision; after he leaves, she goes to the station, sees the colonel and goes back to Patterne. The Colonel tries to hide her away from Sir Willoughby after her return but still finds out about it... for this purpose Willoughby starts realizing that he should choose Laetitia and meet up with her to propose, to his surprise she rejects him an unknown to him. Crossjay has heard him and tells Clara about this. She now can be free from this marriage by trying to make Sir Willoughby admit his affair with Laetitia and he

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