F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Character Analysis of Daisy, Gatsby, and Nick in The Great Gatsby

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Married to a wealthy, cruel man, Daisy Buchanan is aware of Tom’s affair. Daisy Buchanan’s emotions lead her through a depressing journey in her marriage.
Daisy and her companion of a husband do not have any of the same perspectives and thoughts about how a marriage should endure. Daisy Buchanan is obviously more gorgeous, loyal, comical, and kind-hearted than her so-called loved one. That is why Tom has a gruesome affair with his undeserved mistress, Myrtle Wilson. Even though Daisy knows Tom does not give her the respect she deserves, she stays with him because she will never have the drive or courage to divorce him. In addition, Daisy does not want to divorce Tom because this was an unspeakable act of the time era. Daisy Buchanan knew that people would murmur and whisper about the situation if something did come about, as in a divorce (Baker, C.). According to Charles Baker, “[Daisy] seems to be held in her marriage by sheer laziness, not love, as if remaining in a comfortable and familiar position, regardless of Tom’s brutish behavior and infidelities, is preferable to exerting the energy it would take to leave it” (Baker, C.). Tom does not give Daisy respect, but she stays with him because she knows he will take care of her financially. Daisy is careless about Tom and his promiscuous activities because Tom made this a common occurrence in Daisy’s everyday life. Daisy settles with her husband not because of her affection towards him, but because of her rank in society (Baker, C.). When Daisy communicates about her discrete thoughts and beliefs, Jordan, her best friend, can interpret her emotions through the way Daisy speaks and the way Daisy acts. The way Daisy presents herself is a determined representation of how she feels...

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.... Although Daisy does not love her arrogant, cruel, and unmannered husband, she will remain wealthy and taken care of for the rest of her life by staying married to him.

Works Cited

Baker, Charles R. "F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby." American Writers Classics. Ed. Jay Parini. Vol. 2. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2004. 109-124. Literature Resources from Gale. Web. 14 Jan. 2014.
Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. Adobe Reader. PDF.
Goldsmith, Meredith. "White Skin, White Mask: Passing, Posing, and Performing in The Great
Gatsby." Modern Fiction Studies 49.3 (Fall 2003): 443-468. Rpt. in Children's Literature Review. Ed. Jelena Krstovic. Vol. 176. Detroit: Gale, 2013. Literature Resources from Gale. Web. 14 Jan. 2014.
Sharf, Samantha. "Daisy Buchanan's $4.7 Million Pearl Necklace." Forbes.Com (2013): 6. Business Source Premier. Web. 24 Mar. 2014.

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