Eye Color Genetics Essay

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Review of Literature
Review of Literature
I. Introduction-Eye Color Genetics
Have you ever wondered how exactly you got your eye color? It starts with eye color genetics. Eye color genetics are the DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) make-up behind your eye color. Your eye color has a huge effect on how you perceive the world. Without eye color, you wouldn’t be able to decipher colors. Eye color genetics are important to the very culmination of your being.
Your eye color’s DNA consists of four main pigments. The two most commonly known are melanin and chromosome 15. Melanin is a dark brown or black pigment occurring in the iris of the eye. Chromosome 15, on the other hand, is one of the twenty-three pairs of chromosomes. It spans about 101 million base pairs, …show more content…

OCA2 is a melanocyte-specific transporter protein that is associated with melanin and producing cells. HERC2 encodes a group of unusually large proteins, which contain multiple structural domains. HERC2 is most commonly linked to blue- eyed individuals while OCA2 is found in every eye color, as it is strongly linked to the importance of eye color.
In comparison to pigments are genotypes and phenotypes. Both genotypes and phenotypes relate closely with eye color. The only difference being that one deals with common eye colors and the other with uncommon. An example of a genotype would be the color brown. Over fifty-five percent of the world’s population has brown eyes. Brown eyes are also one of the most dominant genetic traits.
Unlike brown, green is a phenotype color. Only a little over two percent of the world's population has green colored eyes. This makes green a common recessive genetic trait. Even though green and brown differ in the populace around the world, they still have the same potential in becoming a child’s eye color. But this will all depend on the parents and their genetic

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