Extinction of Bengal Tigers

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Bengal tigers are very beautiful majestic animals. So, could you imagine life without them? They are native to most of Asia deep in the rainforests. They are being hunted to be made into rugs, and are losing their habitat due to deforestation. Can anything be done about this? ”The Bengal tiger (also known as the Royal Bengal tiger) or (Pentera tigris tigris), is the national animal of Bangladesh, and is considered to be the second largest tigers in the world.” [Bengal] Tigers give birth to litters of two to about six cubs. The males usually do not help with the raising, but they can. Cubs will not start hunting until they are at least 18 months old. They will stay with their mother for at least two or three years before going and finding their own territory. Bengal tigers have really no known predator, other than poaching humans. Being native to Asia, Bengal tigers live in the steamy rainforests on the Indonesian Islands, which is some of the coldest regions in Asia, mangrove swamps, and jungles throughout India. They like to live in spacious areas, they need so much space, that only “100 square kilometers of forest would only support about sixteen of these tigers. Anymore would cause tiger conflict to ensure. Females inherit tiger range from their mother. Males lurk throughout the forest to hunt and mate.” [What] Habitat loss decreases birth rate and lowers the survival rates. Tiger’s habitats are also being destroyed from agricultural expansion and development. “Tigers now live on less than 7% of their original habitat.”[What] “The main reasons tigers are endangered, or critically endangered—are illegal hunting for their pelts, meat and body parts (used for medicine), habitat loss from logging and other forms of forest dest... ... middle of paper ... ...er Forum of Range States. Wildlife conservation and protection remains at the heart of the strategy to save the tigers in the wild. Tigers need large areas of habitat with sufficient water to drink, animals to eat, and vegetative cover for hunting.” [Tiger] All tiger subspecies put together currently amount 3,200 endangered tigers living in the wild. Specialists must also improve research methods for gathering information on tiger’s behavior. And find research on ecology for the development of long-term situations. Ground protection is essential to protect tiger parts for the lucrative market in traditional Chinese medicine. Enforcement officers, guards, and staff need to be hired, trained, and equipped for protecting tigers in the wild, day and night. All of these tiger foundations are doing everything possible to keep these wonderful species safe in the wild.

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