Exploratory Research Essay

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Exploratory Research
Generally conducted in order to identify the true nature of a problem, Exploratory Research is intended to explore the different elements present in the problem in order to properly pinpoint a source of the anomaly, but is less concerned with actually solving the problem. Most commonly seen as the open-ended questions in surveys, this category of research is used in the formative stages of creating a hypothesis, and is used in a variety of different methods such as trial and pilot studies, interviews, case studies and focus groups.
Descriptive Research
Unlike Exploratory Research, which tends to be more open-ended, Descriptive Research generally has a more quantitative nature to it, and is this much more conclusive in the data it represents. Used most commonly in the bulk of online surveys, Descriptive Research is most often carefully planned, and is structured to allow collected information to be statistically relevant to a certain population. Put in simpler terms, Descriptive Research is used to define the opinions and attitudes a certain group of people have on a certain subject. Due to its quantitative nature, however, Descriptive Research can seldom be used to glean insight from individuals the same way Exploratory …show more content…

Unlike Descriptive Research, however, Causal Research deals with the cause-and-effect relationship between the different variables in an experiment. Descriptive Research, on the other hand, is used to determine whether or not there is a causal relationship between two variables. Causal Research must be able to identify and differentiate cause-variables from effect variables, as well as the nature of the relationship between the two. As such, Causal Research can often times be quite complex and multifaceted, as any variable has the potential to affect

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