Exploitation In Dissect Hochschild's The Managed Heart

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The exploitation of women’s feeling are described in the above paragraphs, however because of the magnitude that it has in both categories I will continue to explain the way women’s feeling are exploited in a much more capitalistic rich way. The affective labor and management that is used to create feelings in order to benefit the company or those at home. Starting with exploitation of feelings within the workplace I will begin to dissect Hochschild’s book The Managed Heart: Commercialization of Human Feeling which uses airline attendants as the example. Airlines purposefully hire certain looking girls to appeal to their intended customers a employee described this practice “United wants to appeal to Ma and Pa Kettle. So it wants Caucasian girls-not so beautiful that Ma feels fat, and not so plain that Pa feels unsatisfied.” (97) This clearly shows that intended market that United is playing towards. While this truly makes perfect sense from the …show more content…

Lorde defined this in her essay Loss of the Erotic. The Erotic as Power. Where she broke down the oppression that is put upon by the government, and by society. This loss is important to consider because trying to put your all in your work life can lead to a total disconnect “such a system reduces work to a travesty of necessities, a duty by which we earn bread for oblivion for ourselves and those we love.” (wrg) what the commercial word expects and what we can give is directly conflicting with trying to be a simply content person. The erotic should not be wasted in professional life, it should be reserved for our self and those we share deep connections with, it is intimate, but not necessarily sexual. Trying to pry this out of flight attendants, servers, strippers, and other common feminine jobs lead to the levels previously described. Burnout is inevitable, feelings of guilt will come, and total disconnect will

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