Explain Why Was World War 1 Inevitable

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There were many inevitable factors that led to World War 1. World War 1 was inevitable due to: the militarism, the power vacuum in the Balkans, colonial rivalry, patriotic, and most importantly because of the system of alliances. The most important reason why World War 1 was inevitable was because of the Triple Alliance and Triple Entente. When Adolf Hitler declared war to Serbia, Russia started to build their army. Afterwards, France joined then Germany would join because of the aggression to Belgium. For these various reasons, World War 1 was inevitable. According to an article “Was World War I the inevitable outcome of how European politics and society had developed in the decades before 1914?” the author Tong Kin Ho Kevin states Austria hoped Germany to keep the scale of the conflict by stopping Russia to intervene. From here, the conflict could still possibly be limited to a local level. However, with Germany’s participation in the conflict, interest of other powers like Britain had …show more content…

The European countries all wanted a war they were pretty much itching for, and finally they found a reason to start a war. None of the countries expected the war to be lengthy; they thought it would all be over quickly. In addition, if Austria-Hungary had put more effort negotiating with Serbia in July 1914, war could have been avoided. However, Germany stimulated Austria-Hungary on to be completely difficult. According to an article “Was World War I Avoidable?” the author states, The alliance system and the military preparations of world powers in the years before Ferdinand’s assassination played a large role in setting the stage for escalation. The arms race was sort of like the nuclear competition between the United States and Soviet Union in the 1950s and ’60s in that you wanted to know if the other side was about to attack you so you could attack

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