Explain Why Student Misbehaves In A Multicultural Classroom

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Driekurs believed that the reason children misbehave is due to a child getting discouraged trying to find their place in life. When a child misbehaves they think that their behavior will provide them social acceptance in the classroom. Students in the classroom misbehave for attention, avoidance, control, revenge, and displays of inadequacy. When students are acting out in the classroom it’s not because they are bad students it’s because they want their needs met by the teacher. Each student should be treated as an individual in the classroom and the same should go for how you deal with misbehaving students. When a student misbehaves in the classroom the teacher should not punish the student for the behavior they are showing. Instead the …show more content…

Each student in your classroom is eager to learn but it can make it difficult if a student doesn’t feel wanted and feels like an outsider because of their culture. The student’s culture should be built into the curriculum so that the student is able to make meaning from it. The teacher needs to create a classroom environment that encourages students to use interpersonal relationships with each other. The classroom environment should be culturally sensitive so all students feel welcomed. 6. What are the best predictors of individual classroom management style? Why is it important to articulate this to yourself? (answer both parts!) The best predictors of individual classroom management style involves how we personally relate to other people and how we respond when someone does something we believe is not acceptable. It is important to articulate this to myself because it is understandable that the beliefs that we developed for ourselves, our relationships with other, and experiences we have faced in life will have a significant impact on our classroom management decisions. 7. Explain the importance of using research validated management

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