Explain Why Guns Should Not Be Banned In America

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Ever since September 11, 2001, America has been on high alert, and understandably considering gun control, however, there are many reasons America needs the guns they have. America should not ban guns in this country because guns don’t kill people, they are used for much more than killing things and they are our right, and there is no logical way to confiscate all the guns in the country. Although there are many valuable, and viable reasons guns should be banned in America, there are many more reasons guns should not be banned in America. Many people say guns kill people, when in all reality, there are many components that go into firing a firearm. Other people may tell you that guns is only used for killing people, and other negative things. Then there are some people who will tell you that guns just need to be confiscated. However, people who say that guns should be confiscated from everyone, do not have a very structured understanding of guns. For instance, where they originated, how they have impacted America, or the safety they provide us with. Guns are not a bad thing, it simply depends on who is using them, and what they are using them for. The first firearms to surface were cannons, originating in Europe around the middle of the 14th …show more content…

According to Wikipedia, domestic violence is defined as all acts of physical, sexual, psychological, or economic violence, that may be committed by a family member or partner (Wikipedia, 2018, para 1). A domestic shooting evolves from domestic violence, when the violence becomes more than assault, often becoming deadly. The reason for domestic shooting is the same as the reasons for a mass shooting, school shooting, and gang shooting. In all cases the shooter has some form of mental health issues, whether that be anger, isolation failure or empathy, they all relay back to mental

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