Explain Why Fear Is Better Than Love Machiavelli

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Emotions, something we all feel everyday. From happy to sad from loved to feared, these emotions drive us to do things everyday. This leads us to Machiavelli, a staunch defender of totalitarianism and he is famous for his work, the Prince. The Prince was a guideline to how a prince should lead his state. Machiavelli states, “It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both.” A prince is better feared than loved because fear will give him more authority and fear lasts longer than love. A prince will have more authority over his people because when a prince is feared and he sets his rules people will do their best to avoid violating these rules. There are several things we fear. We fear pain, we fear suffering, we fear failure, and we fear death. According to Statisticbrain.com, 68% of America fears death. …show more content…

Of course, you will wash the dishes because you don’t want your mom to take away your phone. It is human nature that people are more inclined to act out of fear rather than love. Another reason why fear is better than love is because fear will last longer. Fear will last longer because it is predictable and powerful. A famous quote is, “What I learned about life: it goes on. What I learned about love: it doesn’t last. What I learned about people: they change fast.” Fear is predictable because people always act a certain way when they are under the influence of fear. They always do what you say, and they never resist. On the other side, love is unpredictable. People are naturally selfish, evil and cruel. Even if they “love” you, it’s all an illusion. Love is like a candle it can be blown out at any time. Love is internally based;therefore, it is a feeling you largely choose to feel, that you can large turn on and off easily. A polling in 2010 stated that over 40% of America’s marriages end in a

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