Explain Why College Is Not For Everyone Essay

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Let’s just say that “college isn’t for everyone” but it is just an excuse for those people aren’t clever enough for college. College requires an arduous work, even for bright people. For the people that don’t want to be there, it may be unattainable. Whether it be due to economic status, mental or health problems or any other situation, college is not for everyone. If you do not feel ready, you do not have to go right away, or at all.
Nobody ever has said that college is easy but it is worth it. According to UWIRE, "it is a well-known fact that college costs a lot, both in terms of money and time. Going to college makes it easier to learn, have new experiences and build your own unique skill set.
It is so easy these days to acquire scholarships …show more content…

Maybe that is the reason why high school students do not go to college right away or they do not go at all. Maybe that is why they rather go and get a part-time job that will give them some but fast money. But that kind of people should think twice because college is an investment in the enrichment of life, UWIRE says ''College is not just about the piece of paper you receive when you graduate, but the opportunities you take and the connections you make on your way to the finish line''. And I totally agree with the idea that a college degree is not a guarantee that will make you successful and all your dreams will come true while you sit back and relax. Education is a tool that can be used to achieve success while continuing to work hard and use what you learned in real situations. Whether a college degree is necessary or not depends on what you want in life because it is true that some people have college degrees but they are unable to find employment.
So let's talk about the varying definitions of success. Some popular definitions are to be wealthy, cultured, well-traveled and respected. Most of there accomplishments can be achieved by just obtaining a college degree or are made easier by having

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