Explain What America Means To Me

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What America Means to Me The question “What America Means to Me” has a complicated answer. America has so many different meaning to each individual. To me it means freedom, home, opportunity, safety, and thriving. Freedom is one of the thing that as Americans we are lucky enough to be given at birth. It is a right that i am thankful and blessed to be given. This is one of the most sacred things for all Americans. At the start of the Eagles vs Vikings game a couple of week ago, they had a bald eagle fly around the field. When the eagle made its pass around the field, it landed on it handlers arm and was then put on a leash. This made me feel sad. Bald eagles are meant to symbolise freedom. When they chained him, the eagle lost his freedom, which in turn meant we lost our freedom. Freedom is one of the most important parts of being an …show more content…

It is home to me and millions of other people. It is a place where I feel safe and loved. I do not think if I lived in another country I would feel the same. To me, soldiers in our country need to be more appreciated, especially the vietnam veterans. It was not the soldiers that decide to go to war. So why are they the one to be blamed when they returned ‘home’? As Americans, we need somebody to blame for what was happening, so we hated the vietnam vets. Our soldiers are a big part in why we feel so safe to live in this country, so lets value and respect them. America is a place of opportunities. I am so grateful to have the opportunities I have as an American and a women living in America. If I was not living here, I do not know if I would be able to go to college or have a job outside of the house. America is also a place for many different type of people to have opportunities they would not normally have living in a different country. This is something I love about living in America. As long as your obey by the rules and laws of this county, you can have the same opportunities that we get as

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