Exercising Synthesis Essay

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This essay discusses how exercising is significant for us. Exercising can be weary, but it is fundamental and obligatory if you want to stay healthy. Alongside losing weight you have a moderate chance of acquiring several diseases. Also, exercising can assist in preserving vitality, a moderate chance of acquiring heart disease, and Diabetes. Moreover, exercising stimulate your body, it can tranquilize your muscles and diminish stress. Nevertheless, exercising can alleviate sleeping, which can preserve energy and stay attentive in class or anything that you essential to get done. Also exercising warms up the body after a satisfactory run. According to the article, it states that healthy people are at ease in falling asleep, “6-week exercise program (30 to 40 minutes of brisk walking or low-impact aerobics four times a week) improved the quality, duration, and ease of falling asleep in healthy older adults” (Source 3). …show more content…

Another significant point is that when exercising it boosts the supply of oxygen. According to the article, it mentions that men and women who are fit have degraded chance of acquiring the cardiovascular disease, “In one study, men with low fitness who became fit had a lower risk of heart disease than men who stayed unfit. In another, women who walked the equivalent of three or more hours per week at a brisk pace had a 35 percent lower risk of heart disease than women who walked infrequently.” (Source 3). Also the most significant is what exercising can do for you, like the article mentions, “Exercise boosts the supply of oxygen to the heart muscle by expanding existing arteries and creating tiny new blood vessels. It may also prevent blood clots or promote their breakdown” (Source

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