Exemplification Essay: The Dangers Of Teenage Speeding

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Teenage Speeding In 2012, June and July showed to have had the highest number of teenage crash deaths out of any of the other months. The feeling of independence from getting a driver’s license as well as the freeing feeling from school adds to the excitement and complacency of driving for young teenage drivers during the summer. Speeding is not seasonal, although, it happens at any time of the year with the simple slip of thoughts. Teenagers are well known for a short attention span, and behind the wheel is no exception. Many other thoughts may slice through their concentration while on the road, such as their daily schedule and any changes to it, among other things. A sense of feeling rushed or overwhelmed by the day ahead may also be an …show more content…

More than one third of driver fatalities involve speeding as shown by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Of the young male drivers between the ages of fifteen and twenty years old who were involved in car accidents in 2012, thirty seven percent were speeding. In 2011, speeding was present in fifty two percent of fatal car accidents with a teenager behind the wheel, which is almost the same percentage as in 2008 showing that the issue of speeding has not been improving. In addition, of the crashes due to error by young drivers twenty one percent of serious accidents were due to driving faster than what was safe for the road conditions. The biggest risk that is easily forgotten is that speeding increases the stopping distance required to prevent an accident. At the ages between sixteen and nineteen thirty eight percent of males and twenty four percent of female teenagers are involved in crashes resulting from high speeds. A total of two thousand eight hundred and twenty three teenagers ages thirteen through nineteen were killed in car crashes in 2012, this is sixty eight percent less than in 1975 and seven percent less than 2011. Though the numbers have decreased, they are still there; furthermore they are not just numbers as is easily forgotten, these numbers represent more than a statistic, they represent a life. To further drive the point that beyond the numbers are lives, here are a couple stories about the life of someone killed in a car accident due to excessive

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