Examples Of Villains In The Dark Knight

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Throughout history in books, movies, comics and even kids television shows there is always a “bad guy”. Most people that are memorable in these different medias are the hero and the villain. In majority, people mainly remember the hero because the stand for something significant that peaks their interest. This could be the way they act, the way they dress, or the ideas they portray within the media. The other people that are remembered are the villains because of their clever and evil ways. So what makes a memorable villain? Villains are usually individuals who seek out power, control, and fear from others. Most villains have a significant idea or aspect of their character that makes them memorable. The Joker from The Dark Knight is a great …show more content…

The struggle he faces is how clever the Joker really is in his plans. In the movie, the Joker was able to trick Officer Gordon into arresting him and locking him up at the GCPD. He used this scheme so that the other people he was working with had the time to tie up Harvey and Rachel. During this time also he had a cellphone implanted in a cell mate that was a bomb. This really shows how clever the Joker was in the aspect of him having an escape plan and using his phone call to trigger the bomb. Another example of his intelligence was when he was being hunted by SWAT and he used hostages as the targets. When SWAT came to the scene they saw the people with clown masks and guns taped to their hands, but they were not the threat. This was a big play for the Joker in disguising the hostages to distract the invading policeman, but in the end Batman figured it out. The final example would be the Joker using Gotham’s crazy people to brainwash them into working with him. He used a paranoid schizophrenic to infiltrate the policeman in order to get close to the Mayor. Not only was the Joker very intelligent but he also controlled the people of Gotham through fear and

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