Examples Of Verbal Irony In The Cask Of Amontillado

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“The Cask of Amontillado” written by Edgar Allen Poe displays various styles of irony such as dramatic irony, situational, and verbal irony, verbal irony. Dramatic Irony is when the narrator or character knows less than the readers, situational irony is an incongruity between what is expected to happen and what happens, and verbal irony is when what is said conveys the opposite of what it according to the text Portable Literature. Through these forms of irony Montresor displays his underlying motive for Fortunato’s murder.

Baraban describes the motive for Fortunato’s murder. She gives description of Fortunato and what he did to become a victim. The descriptions of motive also give reasons to what made Montresor lead Fortunato to a cellar,

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