Examples Of Trauma In Catcher In The Rye

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At some point in a person’s life, some sort of trauma, like the loss of a person’s life happens. Trauma prevents people from moving on. It could be a few weeks, a few months, or even a few years to even start forgetting about the trauma. In this case, Holden in the Catcher in the Rye loses his sibling at the age of 13 and four years later at the end of the book, he finally admits to go to a psychoanalyst to get over the loss of his sibling. Salinger employs symbolism in the Catcher and the Rye to illustrate the theme that when young people experience some sort of trauma like the loss of a sibling, it may cause them to resist reality, which prevents them from growing up, but ultimately, the boundary between childhood and adulthood is a crossover …show more content…

When Holden arrives in New York his burning question to the cab driver is ‘where do the ducks go in winter’ (2). Demonstrating that Holden is on a journey. He thinks if he finds out where the ducks go, he thinks he ought to find an answer to where he ought to go. Meaning that Holden is lost. Later on in the book Salinger mentions the ducks again to another taxi driver this time the ducks ‘[are] frozen right in one position for the whole winter‘ (82). This is when Holden has no companion on his trip in New York. Even the taxi driver does not agree to have a drink with him. Therefore he is staying right where he is like the ducks. One last time in the book Salinger mentions the ducks again, ‘It [is] partly frozen and partly not frozen, ... [I had been walking all over the lake and] damn near fell in once, I didn’t see a single duck’ (154). Everything is phoniness to him, nothing helps him so the ducks are his only reliance for change. The lagoon itself is a mirror metaphor for the world as Holden sees it because as Holden is saying what it is, is ‘Partly frozen, partly not frozen‘ (40). The pond is in transition between the two states, just as he is in transition between childhood and adulthood and he sits down and thinks about suicide because he

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