Examples Of Technology And Design Driven Innovation

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The book Design Driven Innovation and the classroom material complement each other very well. The basic theory behind the book is that innovation is one of the most important aspects when dealing with competitive advantages within specific markets. Also, every product and service within all available consumer and industrial markets has a meaning. These meanings are commonly mistaken as fixed, “The common assumption, however, is that meanings are not a subject for innovation: they are a given.” The majority of our class discussions have focused on how to go about designing and implementing new strategies in order to change those meanings. Companies such as Nintendo, Apple, Artemide, Whole Foods Market, Alessi, and many others discussed in the book demonstrates that meanings do change. When technological breakthroughs occur, product and service meanings take on a whole new look.
Technology and design-driven innovation are a strong mix and tend to lead to ground breaking products and services. These products and services radically change the meaning of previous versions and oft...

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