Examples Of Superstition In Huckleberry Finn

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Religion guides the human race. For thousands of years people have followed different sorts of religion. From the well known Atheism, Christianity, Satanism, and Judaism; to the bizarre Pastafarianism, Jediism, and Vampirism. Superstition has been around for millennia and has instilled a deep fear of ridiculous objects into cultures around the world. Both Religion and Superstition involve faith in the unknown, Mark Twain makes superstition a form of religion in his book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Huckleberry Finn is a very superstitious boy. Not believing the Widow or Mrs. Watson when he does not obtain what he wants from prayer he resorts to superstition. Like in many other religions offerings are required in order for the gods …show more content…

Jim tells Huck a list of superstitions are all action to not do. “ And Jim said you mustn't count the things you are going to cook for dinner, because that would bring bad luck. The same if you shake the tablecloth after sundown. And he said if a man owned a beehive and that man died, the bees must be told about it before sunup next morning, or else the bees would all weaken down and quit work and die” (Twain 52). Jim lists a few actions that would bring a person nothing but bad luck, and that luck would result in bad events happening to the person. Much like with Buddhist reincarnation, the more good deeds that a person does in a lifetime, they will come back as something better than they were in the previous life. However, sometimes the consequences the Gods instill give them a bad reputation. Mark Twain says, “All gods are better than their reputation” (Popova 1). Even though religion imparts harsh punishment to those who break the laws, people often overlook the positives and focus on the negatives. Such as with Christianity and Buddhism, once a person has either taken Christ in their heart or done enough good deeds throughout lifetimes heavens gates will open for them. The followers cling to their religions similar to how Huck clings to his

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