Examples Of Specific Deterrence

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deserve for themselves and/or their families. It is near impossible for the judges to induce the same exact punishment the offender committed. Retribution in the criminal justice system comes in the form of life in prison without parole. Deterrence is broken into two types, which are general and specific. General deterrence is the punishment of offenders in hopes to set an example to the public. It’s intention is to lower the offenses other people might commit. Specific deterrence is punishment directly on criminals to lower the rate of them committing future crimes. Deterrence concludes that “people act rationally and think before they act.”
This means people know exactly what they’re doing before and after the crime. The only exception …show more content…

Besides being fined he/she can get their license taken away and sentenced to prison. This would teach the person to think twice before drinking and driving. Both general and specific deterrence is effective in our society because it brings awareness to the bad consequences that can happen to you if you ignore the law.
Incapacitation is known as preventing an offender the power to commit any crimes in society by confining them in prison. If the offender seems most likely to commit further crimes they will receive a heavier sentence. A person who committed a murder on impulse for example would probably be given a minor sentence. The idea of incapacitation focuses on the criminal record and the type of crime committed to indicate if the person will most likely commit the crimes again. Incapacitation helps keep criminal offenders away from society.
However, in doing so it poses a threat of overcrowding in the prisons and expensive government funding. Another main goal of incapacitation is to possibly discourage the offender from committing any other crimes when they're released from jail or prison. Career criminals are given a longer sentence for the simple fact that committing crimes is their occupation in society. If society didn’t have a correctional system, it would be difficult to separate bad individuals from the good

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