Examples Of Sacrifice In The Gift Of The Magi

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Sacrifice is an action that constitutes someone purposefully lessening their gains to further a different person. In literature just as in life, an individual’s values can effectively be deciphered when considering the sacrifices that they have made. In O. Henry’s “The Gift of the Magi,” Della sacrifices her most valuable attribute for a man that she loves. This sacrifice exemplifies her devotion to the man she loves and presents her with an internal struggle that she must ultimately conquer. The sacrifice that Della makes is propelled by a desire to give her husband, Mr. James Dillingham Young, in the form of a Christmas present that she can deem worthy of his ownership. The dilemma was, “Tomorrow would be Christmas Day, and she had only $1.87 with which to buy Jim a gift. She had put aside as much as she could for months, with this result.” Her solution was to unselfishly sell her hair, which was exceptionally long and beautiful, for a grand sum of $20. Then , continuing with her unselfish nature, she uses the money to buy a band for Mr. Young’s most valuable possession, his wristwatch. …show more content…

James Dillingham Young, regret begins to consume her. Henry writes, “She started to try to cover the sad marks of what she had done. Love and large-hearted giving, when added together, can leave deep marks.” Her beauty was a great source of pride to her and her husband, but by chopping off her hair she has undoubtedly compromised a significant portion of that appearance they so valued. Her giving has simply taken from her, she is in emotional turmoil and shows signs of physical repercussions. Despite her desire and satisfaction in sacrificing and giving, she questions to what extent her choice was

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