Examples Of Reliving The Past In The Great Gatsby

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There is always speculation when it comes to reliving the past. Can you do it? Can you not? It’s always a back and forth argument depending on who you are talking to. Everyone has their own opinion. Although, thinking of it in a logical way, there is really no way to relive the past. It is just not possible. People can not relive the past because time has gone by, people are different, they have changed, and events in their life have changed. One reason for this belief is that time has gone by. Things are different. It isn’t like time has froze in its tracks. Just like when Gatsby said “I’m going to fix everything just the way it was before” (Fitzgerald, 110). Like, that just isn’t going to happen. Times have changed. You cannot make everything EXACTLY like …show more content…

It is basically impossible. You also can’t make someone love you. Gatsby is trying to make Daisy love him again. It is almost like he is forcing her and that just is not morally right. Just like in the story when it says, “ He wanted nothing less of Daisy than that she should go to Tom and say: “I never loved you” (Fitzgerald, 109). He can’t expect her to just drop him. Life doesn’t work like that. People also change and so do feelings. Just like in the story, Daisy is married to Tom as Fitzgerald wrote, “... she married Tom Buchanan without so much as a shiver…” (Fitzgerald, 76). Feelings have also changed. People don’t feel the same after years go by. Especially when you don’t see that person for five years. Life moves on for them. It shows that Daisy obviously doesn’t feel the same for Gatsby when he says, “She used to be able to understand. We’d sit for hours-” (Fitzgerald, 109). This just shows that people’s feelings change and you can’t just magically make it like it was in the past. Things will be different and you can’t change that. The biggest thing that I think

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