Examples Of Rebellion In Persepolis

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While the characters in Persepolis perform acts of rebellion to express their rage and personal beliefs, it reveals that they are greatly impacting their own lives by putting themselves in danger. The first form of rebellion in the novel was Iranian women chanting in the street against wearing the veil. During the Islamic revolution women were forced to wear the veil since it supposedly protects them from men and their inability to control themselves when they saw a woman's features. However, some women, including Marji’s mother, did not approve of this change and believed it gave them absolutely no freedom. When a picture of Taji protesting during this demonstration got published into a magazine in Iran, she knew her life was at risk. On page 5, Marji says, “My mother was really scared. She dyed her hair and wore dark glasses for a long time.” Since the government always watched the people and would most likely see the picture of Taji, the only thing she could do was change her identity, otherwise she could face death or a violent punishment. By simply being present at the demonstration, the people’s lives were at a very large risk since the army could fight back and begin shooting at their own people, or the government could take certain …show more content…

Marji and the people both committed acts of rebellion to justify their beliefs and challenge those who tried to restrict them. Persepolis describes the various causes of large issues that occurred in Iran during the event of war and serious conflict. Also, throughout the novel, the readers realize that without compromise or democracy within a country, it makes it easier for a nation to fall into war and create a negative impact on the people’s

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