Examples Of Racial Equality In To Kill A Mockingbird

677 Words2 Pages

Maliah Utley
TKM Assessment 8A
Timed Writing


The trial in Maycomb showed a lot of significant information about racial discrimination down south during this time, although it was unfair to Tom Robinson, it still showed that Maycomb took a step forwards from where they were. In the book To Kill a Mockingbird, The trial of Tom Robinson, an innocent black man accused of rape, shows how much racial inequality is an impact in the book. Although, this does bring them a step further, towards racial equality than where they were before. Therefore, I disagree with the topic that America will never achieve true racial and social inequality. In the topic America never achieving racial and social equality, To Kill a Mockingbird shows significant racial discrimination, and social discrimination against all races. …show more content…

I believe that now it is very different. When Tom Robinson was put on the stands, he spoke the truth, and nothing could have pointed him out to a lie, unlike Mr. Bob Ewell and his daughter, who had some obvious lies that were pointed out. For example, how could have Tom gave Mayella a black right eye, when his left hand was disabled? This was an obvious lie pointed out, yet the court decided to convict him guilty of rape. Although it was obvious that they would not pick a black man over a white man, the trail still went on until eleven o'clock, which shows that the town did take a step forward, and did not just claim that Tom was guilty. In this time, it is very different. People of all races are now able to get most of the jobs they want. A colored judge is a normal thing to have, and there is no longer segregation. Although things have changed drastically, there is still racist remarks and derogatory terms that are still said, but it is not as bad as it used to

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