Examples Of Prejudice In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Prejudice is a major topic in all of the units. The Germans were prejudiced against the Jews, the whites versus the blacks, the whites versus the indians, and the Venetians versus the Jews. In this essay I will discuss the various reasons I think prejudice is a major topic in this book. The Germans were very prejudiced against the Jews, they blamed them for losing WWI to the allied powers, they blamed them because many of them were wealthy while the rest of Germany was in poverty. The Germans passed their own version of the Jim Crow laws, the Nuremberg laws, against Jews, they rounded them up into ghettos, they put them in labor camps, eventually they just started killing them off. The Germans saw the jews as a race to be extinguished rather than a religion. There was no escaping it except leaving. Even that was problematic because the Germans not only tried to eradicate the Jews in their country, but also the ones around it. In To Kill a Mockingbird, the entire book was about growing up during a period where prejudice against blacks was socially acceptable. They call them things like boy or nigger, things that cause the black population to feel …show more content…

When Junior first goes to Reardan high school, they call him Chief, and Tonto or Squaw Boy. Even the teachers are against him. “Ok Arnold, Dodge said where did you learn this fact? Yes, we all know there is so much amazing science on the reservation.” (Dodge pg 85 speaking of fossilised trees.) The people on the reservation are very prejudiced against him simply because of the school he goes to. They shun him, they mug him on halloween for the money he got. “They call me an apple because they think I’m red on the outside and white on the inside.” (Junior pg 132) They chuck stuff at him during his basketball game at wellpinit. Even before he went to Rearden they called him things like aquarium

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