Examples Of Prejudice In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Mark Twain once said, “the very ink with which history is written is merely fluid prejudice”.

Mark Twain was an American writer, humorist, entrepreneur, publisher, and lecturer. Twain thought prejudice was a common problem.

One of the major themes in To Kill a Mockingbird is prejudice. As this book takes place half a century after the Civil War, there is a lot of racial, social and religious prejudice going on.

One of the major themes in To Kill a Mockingbird was racial prejudice.

Tom Robinson is a victim of prejudice because of his race. He was accused of raping a young girl. Being a colored person in Maycomb during the Great Depression was difficult. During, these times a white person’s talk was believed to be superior to a colored person.

One of the major …show more content…

The Cunninghams are victims of social prejudice in the novel. The Cunninghams are poor farmers and scrape along with what they have. People in Maycomb are prejudice against the Cunninghams because of their lack of wealth, although they are respectable because they find natural ways to pay people back. The Great Depression impacted the Cunninghams were hit hard because they were largely reliant on agriculture.

Marymede Catholic College states, “Rural, southern towns in the United States were hit hard because they were largely reliant on agriculture. Problems with the economy had a flow-on effect to all parts of society. People lost jobs, marriages broke down, banks failed, people became homeless, businesses folded, birth rates fell, people got depressed and many people went hungry. This explains the situation of poor farmers like the Cunninghams in To Kill a Mockingbird who have no money to pay a lawyer but pay instead with produce like hickory nuts and turnip greens.”

One of the major themes in To Kill a Mockingbird is religious prejudice.

Miss Maudie was being religiously prejudiced to the

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