Examples Of Phony In Catcher In The Rye

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In J.D. Salinger’s, “Catcher In The Rye,” Holden classifies people into categories that he comes in contact with. Of these groups, Holden expresses an intent interest in phonies, and continues to ridicule them even though they all appear to be doing well in society. Throughout the story, Holden is frequently claiming that those who are doing better off are phonies. For example, Holden’s roommate at Pencey Prep, Stradlater, was instantly deemed a phony through Holden’s eyes. This may have been because Holden has a secret jealousy for things or lives he wants. Salinger portrays throughout the story that people who are happy with their lives tend to look down on Holden, and make him feel like less of a person than them. However, through Holden’s eyes, people such as Stradlater, Carl Luce, and Lillian Simmons all tend to be portrayed as those who do well with the opposite gender and may “get lucky” more than the average person. …show more content…

They find their lives to be greater than those around them yet have no interest of hearing what others have to say if it does not pertain to themselves. At a bar with Carl Luce, Holden admits that “[He] bores [Luce] a lot. He really did” (Salinger 187). These characters will tend to their problems similarly as well. When being pointed out as a phony, or deciphered as what kind of person they truly are, many will become defensive and aggravated. After Holden deciphers Stradlater verbally, Stradlater punches Holden and then attempts to blame his own actions on Holden because of the uncomfortable situation he was put

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