Examples Of My Family

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When I was growing up I had to get use to the idea of never having privacy because that didn 't exist in my family. My family was nosy the perfect example of crazy. If you have seen My Big Fat Greek Wedding then you 're pretty close to imagining how my family is. Unlike the movie we don 't live in separate houses we live in one big house all of us together. My family is what I would call a classic definition of crazy. I was one of the few students in my graduating class who had parents that weren 't divorced. I was one of the 7 people in my class who needed more than 5 invites because my family isn 't just my mom, dad, and sister. My family is my mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, grate grandma, and my sister. Not mention all of these people live with me in the same home and that 's not including my cousin and my aunt and uncle who also live with me. My family is a big part of who I am but people would think that it 's crazy and wouldn 't be able to deal with so many people in the same house all the time. If I were to be truly honest it took some adjusting to get use to the silence when I first moved to Missouri. I will try to explain how my world came to be, my parents, my extended family, and how we keep it under control. My mom They seemed to care and love one another and didn 't bad mouth each. When they did bad mouth someone it was more petty then anything. My family is in general a Hispanic home always busy and hectic. We don 't have dinners together, we don 't talk about our problems, we just count on each other for support. My house is dominated by my mother 's family, I grew up with my cousins and having my grandma and grate grandma watch over me until my mom could come home. Because of this I grew up with broken English and broken Spanish, I would always have words mixed up in my head which made it hard to

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