Examples Of Motifs In Macbeth

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A motif is a recurring element, event, idea, or theme in a play. In Macbeth, the witches states, “Fair is foul, and foul is fair.” This motif is foreshadowing what is about to happen next. It is also saying that the weather is foul but Macbeth has won the battle.Throughout the play Macbeth, there are several motifs involved in the play . Recurrent motifs used in Macbeth are violence, hallucination, blood, nature, and gender.
The Middle Ages were very violent back in the day for the British people. Macbeth reveals a lot of violence throughout the play so he can become king. Banquo and Macbeth are fighting and here comes a brave sergeant saying, “For brave Macbeth- well he deserves that name- disdaining fortune, with his brandished steel, which …show more content…

Macbeth also uses violence to keep the throne and in order for him to keep his throne he must fight violently. Not only has he fought for his country but he also fought other people to become King. In act 2 scene 1, Macbeth starts to see a floating dagger in the air and he says, “I see thee still; and on thy blade and dudgeon gouts of blood, which was not so before. There is no such thing.” ( Shakespeare 2.1.45-47). After killing Duncan he sees what he has done and what he has done is horrifying. Macbeth does not want to be violent but he has to be violent in this case because Duncan has tempted him to murder. Captain sees what is going on around him and says, “So they doubly redoubled strokes upon the foe. Except they meant to bathe in reeking wounds, or memorize another Golgotha, I cannot tell-” (Shakespeare 1.2.38-41). Captain is comparing another Golgotha to where Jesus was crucified at. In other words this is more …show more content…

But in this play Lady Macbeth played a huge role because ladies were not allowed to do plays and men dressed up as women. Lady Macbeth wanted her husband to stop being a coward and be a man so she says “Come, you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here , and fill me from the crown to the top- full of direst cruelty…” (Shakespeare 1.5.40-43). She calls on the spirits to make her into the man that her husband can’t be. Referring back to Adam and Eve because a woman was to do what a man asked of her to do. Asked God to “unsex” her so she can do the things that Macbeth hesitates to do. “...Lady Macbeth main persuasive tactic is to question her husband's manhood.” (Klett). Macbeth is showing feminism characteristics to why he can't step up to the plate and be the man instead his wife has to tell him what to do and how to do things right. Elizabeth Klett stated that, “Macbeth shows himself, military to be weak-willed and conscience-stricken about the deadly deed. (Klett).Lady Macbeth also says, “...I have given suck, and know how tender ‘tis to love the babe that milks me. I would, while it was smiling in my face, Have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums and dashed the brains out, Had I sworn as you have done to this.” (Shakespeare 1.7.54-59). In the early modern period it was normal for them to breastfeed but not to kill a child was normal just because a baby was

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