Examples Of Mob Mentality

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Mob or pack mentality can be defined as the inclination to loose one’s self including morals and values when placed in a large group of people that corroborate and praise actions that reflect their own. Mob mentality is essentially blurring the lines between a person’s individuality and the opinions and actions of a group of people that have formed a “pack”. This can also be called deindividuation.

The term safety in numbers apply’s to mob mentality as it is hard to place blame or question one’s actions when peers have unified, whether that be for better or worse. An example of mob mentality is the crowd of a soccer team assaulting a referee or the opposing team. Very few people would act in such a way on their own however, through emotions …show more content…

I think this because of the reluctance to take off their masks once the lights turned back on. They most likely felt this way because during the gameshow Chris wasn't a person with emotion, capacity for pain or the ability to get hurt. He was just an object of evil for the pack to defeat - the enemy. However, once he did get injured that notion was no longer valid and the audience had to face what they had done to — not the enemy—but a fellow human being.

All humans are capable for evil just as all humans are capable of good. The capacity for evil does not make a person bad just as the capacity for good does not necessarily make a person good. We all are capable of evil but that does not mean we do evil things. It would be ludicrous to assume that there is a person who is not capable of evil because we are capable of evil through just by existing. Anyone could pull the trigger of a gun and kill someone but not many people would. It is going against inclinations and choosing to not use that capacity for evil that determines whether we are good or

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