Examples Of Metanarratives In The Bible

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The Metanarratives of the Bible
On the surface, the Bible may appear to be a collection of random stories about what God has done. However, there is a greater unity that binds these stories into a bigger story. Just as each book of the Bible has themes that weave the ideas of the book together into one story, so does the Bible as a whole. These larger themes are called metanarratives. A metanarrative is a story about stories of historical meaning, experience, or knowledge, which offers a society legitimation through the anticipated completion of a master idea. Though scholars divide the metanarratives of the Bible differently, there are four major metanarratives that stand out as one reads through the Bible. Because the four metanarratives …show more content…

Genesis begins by stating that God has always existed and is Creator of all things. Because He is Creator of all things, that makes Him supreme over all things. God determines what is right and wrong and disciplines His creation according to His standard. God decided to share His kingdom with humanity by creating Adam and Eve in His image, that they might rule and moderate the creation in His name. Adam and Eve were responsible for reflecting the righteousness of God onto His creation and protecting it from corruption. However, Adam and Eve gave this title over to Satan when they disobeyed God and ate from the tree of good and evil. By falling to Satan, they surrendered their rule over creation to him. Creation was now in constant rebellion against the God and His kingdom. Genesis shows that, despite the rebellion of humanity against God, He is still their sovereign God. The fall of humanity and the dominion of Satan over creation must be dealt with, not by an epic battle but by removing sin from the …show more content…

Through which God attacked and defeated the pagan gods and the pharaoh of the most powerful nation. Through the exodus, God redeemed His people. After this event He brought them to Mount Sinai, where He appeared to them and officially made them into His nation to bear His name as His nation on earth. God gave them His Law, which they were to follow, and reflect His righteousness to the world. Their purpose, as His chosen nation was to bring the world under the leadership of God and conform it to His

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