Examples Of Masculinity In Macbeth

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Set in the 11th century, when women were treated as lesser beings and men were expected to provide and protect their family's William Shakespeare's Macbeth showcases the prominent topic of masculinity. To be a man one was expected to be courageous, assertive, unapologetic, and independent. Although masculinity is normally a positive trait in protagonists, masculinity is depicted as a negative quality throughout the play because Lady Macbeth associates masculinity with evil, and his obsession to be seen as a masculine figure allows him to be controlled by those around him.

Lady Macbeth depicts masculinity as a negative quality because, she sees masculinity as an equivalent to evil. To her being a man is being ruthless and emotionless. She …show more content…

When Macbeth realizes that he would have to kill Duncan to be named king he is one the fence about going through with it. Responding to his apprehensiveness Lady Macbeth tell him, “When you durst do it, then you were a man; / And to be more than what you were, you would / Be so much more the man” (I. VII. 49-51). Telling him that when he said that his was going to kill Duncan proved his masculinity, but going back on this decision took away his manhood. She continues to play games with Macbeth telling him that when he “toughens up” enough to kill, he will be much more than a man. But being constantly told that he is not a man, creates a psychological need to prove his masculinity.While tries to wash his hands of Duncan’s he talks of already building guilty to which Lady Macbeth responds, “My hands are of your color, but I shame to wear a heart so white” (Shakespeare II.II.63-64). Lady Macbeth states that she to has help kill that king, yet she would be ashamed to feel as guilty as he does. She tells him to essentially man up because to her he is not acting as a man. This continuous questioning of him masculinity allows Macbeth to be controlled. His need to prove himself has deadly consequences, for example Banquo was more liked by the people of scotland and his children were prophesied to be king,

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