Examples Of Manipulation In Othello

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Iago holds a reputation of loyalty and trust but is ultimately out for personal revenge. He manipulates several characters in seek of vengeance. The manipulation starts by his support in Roderigo’s grudge against Othello. He tries to play both sides by claiming to have defended Othello during this conversation when really he was encouraging it. Iago envies Othello because he believes he slept with his wife. When Roderigo finds out about the marriage between Othello and Desdemona he tells Iago he wants to commit suicide. Roderigo says “It is silliness to live, when to live is torment and then have a we a prescription to die when death is our physician” (1.3.350). Iago, being a mischievous manipulator, tells him not to do it but insists Roderigo

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