Examples Of Manipulation In 1984 By George Orwell

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In the book 1984 there are various showings of the theme I chose. There are multiple themes in this book but, I decided to write about the recurring theme of psychological manipulation and how the government can use it in various ways to do what they please. During this book you see just how powerful the government can be when they have control of the masses. In order for the United States to transform into this type of government, it would take an extremely long amount of time. When born into a country whose founding principles are based on freedom, this type of world is very foreign to most of the people that read this book now. The closest thing to this 1984 world that we have in our world is North Korea. That is the type of power that “Big Brother” had in this book and as you can see, psychological manipulation is a very powerful and scary tool to use. In some of the early scenes of the book, you get a taste of how the government plays a role in the society of 1984. Winston the protagonist of the story, is walking up to his room and there is a poster on the wall. …show more content…

BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU, the caption beneath it ran.”(pg.2) When reading that line it’s very easy to overlook an important line. When Winston says “...so contrived that the eyes follow you about when you move.” That is one of the very first impressions you get of this figure called Big Brother. And I call Big Brother a figure because nobody even knows if he really exists. That shows that the government has a power over the people to make the people think that they are always being watched by the government. As we all know psychological manipulation sounds horrible and it is, but there are some people who think it would be good to use on

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