Examples Of Malpractice In One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

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The Ultimate Betrayal
Doctors commit medical malpractice all over the world daily. Trusted doctors and nurses in some way give a patient the wrong treatment, which is quite usually harmful. The mental hospital in One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest is a perfect example of medical malpractice because the nurses mistreat the patients in numerous ways. In the novel, Ken Kesey writes about a rebellious Randle McMurphy who transfers into the ward. Soon after his arrival, he livens up the patients and convinces them to revolt against the overpowering Nurse Ratched. Together, he and his new companions disturb the peace of the ward. Throughout the story it is clear that the patients do not receive the proper medical treatment. For punishment, the patients receive traumatizing electroshock treatment and unnecessary surgeries. It is insane that in our society, medical professionals can misuse knowledge and power potentially to hurt fellow citizens. There is no excuse for mistreating a patient; it is the duty of a medical professional to care for patients. In some cases, doctors make mistakes that in turn cause accidental malpractice. On occasion, unintentionally mishaps do occur. Personal gain, apathy, and neglect from doctors make malpractice insane.
In most cases, doctors have something to gain by abusing their power. Kermit Gosnell, for example used his abortion clinic to earn extra money by performing illegal late term abortions. Gosnell justified his actions saying, “Bringing a child into the world when it cannot be provided for, that there are not sufficient systems to support, is a greater sin . . . I considered myself to be in a war against poverty, and I feel comfortable with the things I did and the decisions I made” (Hurdle and Gab...

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...ns, but a gynecologist also made a life-altering mistake with one of his patients. Dr. John Black is a gynecologist who sprayed a chemical used in drain cleaner into an Ohio woman’s private parts. As he attempts to neutralize the chemical he said, “I'm breaking all the rules” (Moye 1). He applied a cream inside her to numb the pain -- without wearing gloves. Black was unprofessional in so many ways and was careless which led to this woman having permanent damage to her reproductive system. Black’s insane and negligent actions caused him to harm a patient in a very common procedure.
Medical professionals have numerous motives behind malpractice, and there is little logic to it. It is simply insane how a doctor’s sole job is to help the unhealthy, but some doctors take advantage of that privilege. Patients trust doctors, to break such trust, is the ultimate betrayal.

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