Examples Of Lago's Hatred Towards Othello

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Lago develops hatred toward Othello because Othello has not chosen him to be lieutenant. Othello choses Cassio who Lago believes does not have the knowledge to have such a position as he has no military experience and Lago develops an unhealthy jealousy. Lago also suspects Othello has been sleeping with his wife, Emilia. Regardless of having no proof of such events, Lago choses to believe it is true. Lago rarely refers to Othello by his name but refers to him as “the Moor”, “blackish Othello”, and a “barbarian”, leads the audience to perceive Lago has also being racist against Othello and harbors ill feelings of Othello marrying Desdemona.
When Lago says, “Tis in ourselves that we are thus or thus.”, he is speaking to Roderigo on his insistent

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