Examples Of Jem Outgrowing In To Kill A Mockingbird

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I connect with Scout because we both have been outgrown by a sibling. Jem is outgrowing Scout. As Jem gets older he becomes more mature. Jem does not want to do the same stuff that they used to do. Jem’s friends are an influence to why Jem does not want to play with Scout as much. He could see his friends and realize that they have become more mature and want to be like them. For example, when Dill came to Maycomb he started to exclude Scout and just hung out with Dill. He might have realized that what he was doing with Scout was childish and that he needs to do more adult activities. Jem was sitting at the adult table during their Christmas meal, this is an example of Jem becoming more mature. Atticus could also be an influence to Jem outgrowing

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