Examples Of Isolation In Their Eyes Were Watching God

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Their Eyes Were Watching God is a historical southern novel written by Zora Neal Hurston. Hurston herself was an anthropologist and folklorist and these uses are seen throughout the novel. The novel follows the protagonist, Janie Crawford, and her evolving lifestyle through three marriages which all come with an end. Her three marriages make her come to an understanding that life is cruel and people are cruel and she comes to understand the real meaning of selfhood. Janie throughout the novel is seperated from others and treated differently because she is “classed off” from the other members of her community. Janie is first isolated from her peers as a child. She lives behind the Washburn's, a white family and this causes her to not, “know Ah wuzn't white till Ah was round six years old” (Hurston 8). This isolation made it hard to incorporate into a segregated school. She thought she was just another white child but she was deadly mistaken, “de chillun at school got to teasin' me 'bout livin' in de white folks' back-yard” (Hurston 9). Janie's location of living “classed off” how th...

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