Examples Of Irony In To Kill A Mockingbird

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In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, there was much of moral courage shown that occurred among the people in Maycomb County. Everyone knew one another, however, they left other’s personal life alone. It was a small town but if anything happened, people would know once it had happened. But there are two things that I thought was out of moral courage. It started with the children talking about rumors on the Radley’s place. Thereafter, Scout and Jem with a beloved friend named Dill had went to court and watched Scout’s dad, Atticus, take a case for an African American man. In To Kill a Mockingbird, the two kinds of moral courage that was presented in the novel were irony and plot. As irony is expecting what is about to happen but then turns around …show more content…

So, one day the children took the time with Dill to search on his property to see if he can come out of his house. However, Scout was nervous and asked Jem to not go along with it. In addition, they all went on the Radley’s place and got a rude awakening. They got shot at by Nathan Radley. With that, irony was being presented. The children thought they would not be able to escape. However, a shotgun was not a joke in the matter and they barely made it out alive. With their rare escape of going under the gate and running back home, Jem had to go back to fetch his pants. Thinking from Scout’s point of view that Jem will be harmed in this action, Jem came back fully alive and with his pants. All of a sudden, Jem realizes that his pants were waiting for him, folded and ready for him to take it back then it being back on the gate stuck when he tried to escape for his life. “He came up the back steps, latched the door behind him, and sat on his cot. Wordlessly, he held up his pants. He lay down, and for a while I heard his cot trembling.” (Harper Lee 76) With what had just happened with these children, that was one the scariest moments to have happened. How ironic that they all survived when they could have been dead on the property of the Radley’s

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